Friday, May 21, 2010

Cereal #10: Froot Loops

Fruit Loops? Or Froot Loops? If I would have bet on myself, I would have won. Too bad there aren't symbols for me to insert as o's that look and smell like Froot Loops.

I know I've overused the phrase "this one is my favorite". I mean really, the reason this blog exists is my adoration for everything cereal. But honestly. NO LIE. I stand by this one. I've loved Froot Loops ever since those necklaces we made in kindergarten. Which is why they never made it home. I devoured them on the bus. And I've also been a snob when it comes to wannabes. Malt O' Meal doesn't come close. And those Fruity Oh's or Fruit Rings just don't cut it either. But there was one brand that came close. My dearest friend Emily introduced them to me in Durham, NC. Shurfine maybe? That was a fine meal indeed, no?

Remember when there were only red, orange, and yellow loops? And then green made a smashing hit. And then the blue and purple. Has anyone tried the 1/3 Less Sugar version? I'm curious if they could even get away with it. The box should be less vibrantly colored. Like maybe black and white. The brighter the colors, the more sugar. On the brighter side... ha... I discovered Froot Loops actually has its own website.

I googled Froot Loops. The first website I clicked on had this opening message "Getting online is great... and so is getting outside!" As it leads you to the main site page where Toucan Sam leads you through Japan, it ends with a page that gives you the following options...

Its time for a break!
Turn off your computer. Jump out of you chair. Go outside and play!
Click here for fun ideas that get you moving
Return to the site.

What a surprisingly wonderful message! I dislike all the new websites targeting children and seducing their already short attention spans with nonsensical online games, but props to companies like Kellogg's who are attempting to address the sedentary nature of some of their consumers. Small steps, right?

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