Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

Those of you who know me are already aware that I work in a book distribution warehouse, Midtown Scholar. I do lots of things that require low frequency brain waves (not to mention uber amounts of agility, balancing, and luck). So during those times of mundane motions, we like to have stimulating conversations, share music, listen to podcasts, and think up magnificent ideas and adventures.

One day my mind wondered away from the political sattire of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and cardboard boxes and towards the craving for... cereal. Yup, I wanted a big bowl o' Golden Grahams drowned in milk. And I pictured the isle at the grocery store lined with the most delicious assortment of cereal awaiting my sticky fingers. My mind continued to wonder about the number of cereals that a store like Giant or Wegmanns stocked. And then the ultimate thought... wonder if I could boast that I've tried all of those different cereals?

Challenged accepted immediately.

I'm great at coming up with crazy ideas but am known to have little follow through. So here's to completion! One box of cereal can easily be consumed in a week, and I am not resigning myself to eating it only for breakfast. Come now, only for breakfast? We all know better. That figures at least 52 a year, right? Other variables cannot be forgotten. Should I shop in only one store? What about the organic isle? What about variations on a theme? How about the generic brands? For now I'll just play as I go. One goal. Eat cereal.

Guest consumers and bloggers are welcome! Claim your favorite cereal and dole out your stories and memories and release your inner food critic.

If you'd like to provide cereal, milk, or fluoride toothpaste... contributions are welcome. But I would suggest giving to Haiti instead.