Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cereal #14: Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds

I actually bought the Wegman's brand. Yes, I just HAD to save a dollar. (I used the saved dollar to buy a bunch of cilantro at the market, ok?) I'll give credit where its due. Nothing new though. I've eaten it for two days and its been delightful.

Oh but wait. I DID try something new! And may have started a monster. I followed a recipe I've been dying to try. Smash up a cup of this cereal, add a spoonful of peanut butter, a little sugar and cinnamon. Then take scoops of vanilla (or I tried peanut butter ripple) ice cream, mold it into a ball with your hands and roll it into the cereal mixture. (WARNING: Will get messy.) Place on a pan or dish, cover, and refreeze. Serve with a zigzag of chocolate sauce and maybe a dollup of whip cream. AMAZING! I celebrated my friend Adrianne's birthday with this dessert and it was a surefire winner. I wish I had a food photographer. Just imagine something like this...

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